Monday, 11 February 2008


Nobody knew what tomorrow would bring. Was Ozi dead? Was he being treated secretly somewhere? Every day, in its issue, The Conscience newspaper published the undying words of Ozi, the same piece of words found in the pocket of Handy, the shooter: Our society is nearing the brink of a precipice where each man and son, each mother and daughter will seek justice not at the law court; not from the legislative chamber nor through executive fiat, but we shall one and all seek justice through the pull of a trigger…draw the blood of atonement from the evil heads of corrupt cops guilty of wanton extrajudicial and careless killings.
No matter what appetizes their taste for madness and murders, these corrupt, murderous officers will meet their waterloo one after the other. I am not a prophet. I do not own a crystal ball nor borrow one to gaze into. But the grass of the fallen innocent victims shall be watered with the blood of these trigger-happy policemen: the hunters and murderers. And after this long darkness, a new dawn; a new system of things; no triggers will be pulled. At that time it will be an honour to approach a cop – a dignified police officer; and not a hunter, a murderer. The conscience and the pen are much more lethal than the gun!

As part of the anniversary marking the first year of Ozi’s shooting, The Conscience Crime Editor was interviewed. “Mrs. Phib Dukka, do you see the end of guns on the street in sight?”
“It will take some invincible force to take them away!” she had answered. With that interview, many concluded that it would take an invincible force to bring Ozi Francis back.

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